latest visited products, categories and manufacturers


Each time the user visits a product, or category or brand (manufacturer), the module creates a cookie and Helps user in his next visits the site, he can see things that have previously visited.

This module actually consists of three separate modules, but with a similar functionality:

Visited Products

The products that the user has seen them.

Visited Categories

Categories of products that have been visited by the user.

Visited Manufacturers

Manufacturers or brands that the user has opened their page.

Settings and status of the modules are separate and you do not have to use a combination of all three modules.

You can use each of these modules in different positions and different pages. There is no limit on the number of use and number of pages.

Both guests and registered members can use this module.

This module is Multi-Language.

Modules in the Admin Panel
As you can see in the picture above, after uploading the module's files, three relevant modules in the admin panel are visible.

All three module's settings, are similar. Write a name for the module, set the number of items you want to display and set the width and height of the images. You can see the settings of “visited products” module in the following picture:

The settings of visited products module
A view of the settings of “visited products” module
The output of the visited products module
A picture of latest viewed products in “visited products” module
The output of the visited products module in left column
Recently viewed products in the left column

You can see module in both horizontal and vertical mode in above pictures

install instructions

- you must download and install vqmod from : Here
- copy the upload folder that comes inside the module and paste all the folders inside it( e.g. admin,catalog) to your opencart root
- go to extension/extension/module and install


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