Form Builder


Using the Form Builder module, you can create unlimited forms with unlimited fields and display them on every page.

Module Settings
Information page
Using the html module

◘ Display forms in any page using form shortcode. you can put shortcodes in
○ Html module
○ Product description
○ Category description
○ Information description
○ etc
◘ Display multiple forms in a single page
◘ Multi-language support
◘ Unlimited forms and fields
◘ Possibility to insert different field types
◘ Using Ajax - no page refresh
◘ Required or optional fields
◘ Set width for each field and place more than one field in each row
◘ Build and Edit Form with Drag and Drop
◘ Send a copy of the email to additional admin emails and client email
◘ Custom operation after the successful submission of the form
○ Display custom text
○ Redirect to a link
○ Reset form
◘ Html and responsive template For Email
◘ Possibility to put the custom text at the top and bottom of the email

Fields and items to use in the forms
◘ Header
○ H1
○ H2
○ H3
◘ Paragraph
◘ Horizontal line
◘ Text field
○ Text
○ Password
○ Email
○ Color picker
○ Tell
◘ Textarea
◘ Number
◘ Select menu
◘ Checkbox
◘ Radio
◘ file upload
○ Default upload button
○ Drag and Drop upload area
◘ Date Picker
◘ Captcha
◘ Button

Free installation
If you find a compatibility issue with your theme, email us to sabeti05 [AT], Or send a support ticket:
DigitCart Support
We will help you.

Install instructions
- Login to your website OpenCart admin panel
- Go to Admin -> Extensions > Extension installer and upload form_builder{x}
- Go to Admin -> Extension -> Module -> Digitcart - Form Builder -> Install -> Configure it

vQmod is required If you are using OpenCrat 2.0 - 2.1, If you don't have vQmod, you must download and install it from :

This extension uses OpenCart event system for version 2.2 and above. So you don't need vQmod or no need to refresh modification if you are using OpenCart 2.3 and above.

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