Customer Credit Deduction


If the customer has a store credit, OpenCart uses his credit in order automatically, without asking him.
This extension adds a new panel to the shopping cart page and allows the customer to decide whether to use his credit in order or not.
The customer can also determine the amount of credit he wants to use.

Live Demo:
Login as a customer with these details:
username: demo@demo.demo
password: 123456789
This customer has some store credit. add some products to your cart and go to shopping cart page.

Free installation
Email us to sabeti05 [AT], Or send a support ticket:
DigitCart Support
We will help you.

Both vQMOD and OCMOD are available! No core files are changed.

Install instructions - OCMOD
- Login to your website OpenCart admin panel
- Go to Extensions > Extension installer and upload file suited for your OpenCart version
- Go to Extensions > Modifications and click Refresh

Install instructions - VQMOD
- If you don't have vQmod, you must download and install it.
- Copy the upload folder that comes inside the module and paste its contents into your OpenCart root

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