Admin Ajax Notice


The Admin Ajax Notice extension can show a message or play a sound (or both) when one of the following events, occurred:
- New Order
- New customer
- New review

In module settings, you can enable / disable play sound or message display.
Also, any of the events can be enabled or disabled.
You can assign a different audio for each event.

Admin / Front
To check the demo, First login to admin demo, then in another browser tab, or with a different browser or different device do one of the mentioned events in front (place an order, sign up or write a review) Then you will hear a ring bell and will see a message related to the event, no matter on which page you are in admin panel.

Free installation
Email us to sabeti05 [AT], Or send a support ticket:
Send Ticket
We will help you.

Both vQMOD and OCMOD are available! No core files are changed.

Install instructions - OCMOD
- Login to your website OpenCart admin panel
- Go to Extensions > Extension installer and upload zip package suited for your opencart version
- Go to Extensions > Modifications and click Refresh
- Admin -> Extension -> Module -> Digitcart - Admin Ajax Notice 1.0 -> Install -> Configure it

Install instructions - VQMOD
- If you don't have vQmod, you must download and install it from :
- copy the upload folder that comes inside the module and paste all the folders inside it( e.g. admin,catalog) to your opencart root
- Admin -> Extension -> Module -> Digitcart - Admin Ajax Notice 1.0 -> Install -> Configure it

This extension uses OpenCart event system for version 2.2 and above. So you don't need vQmod or no need to refresh modification if you are using OpenCart 2.2 and above.

Write a review
